Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, October 15, 2012
Philosophy Talk Radio: Hom on Forbidden Words
If you're interested in hearing about my current research project, I was a guest on the Philosophy Talk radio show with John Perry and Ken Taylor this summer. The recorded episode will air in the San Francisco Bay Area this Sunday at 10 am PDT on KALW 91.7 FM (re-broadcast Tuesday at 12 noon). You can stream it live at www.kalw.org/listen-live. It will also be available to stream on-demand at philosophytalk.org for one week beginning Friday, Oct 26.
Posted by
Christopher Hom
11:11 PM
Monday, September 17, 2012
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Thoughts from retirement
I retired in 2003 because I had a project that I wanted to work on and being a teacher at TT was taking too much time. The project is to work out a projectivist account of color. Color projectivism is the view that objects are not colored, although they look colored. Two ideas make me think that projectivism is the right way to go. First: when we see an object as red - the object looks red - we visually attribute to the object as sensuous non-relational property. Call this property s-red. Similarly there is s-green, s-blue, and so forth. Second: if the world we see about us is anything like physics says that it is then the objects we see about us are not s-colored. So I conclude that it must be that our visual system projects s-colors onto objects.
Posted by
Edward Averill
8:31 PM
Friday, March 11, 2011
Philosophy of Literature: Philosopher ranks as 16th best career
Philosophy of Literature: Philosopher ranks as 16th best career: "Something to consider as you are in college! http://www.careercast.com/jobs-rated/2011-ranking-200-jobs-best-worst?page=1 It is not all rose..."
Posted by
Anna Christina Ribeiro
11:30 AM
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Lepore on Context
Posted by
Christopher Hom
9:25 PM
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Nathan on Beauty
The Philosophy Department at Texas Tech University is pleased to announce the final installment in our Spring 2010 Speaker Series:
"Making the Subject Objective: Toward a Naturalist Theory of Beauty"
Prof. Daniel Nathan (Texas Tech University)
Thursday, April 29, 7:30 PM
English/Philosophy 106
We hope that you can join us. The schedule for our speaker series can also be found online at:
Posted by
Christopher Hom
3:46 PM